The Ah-Haa! Course

The Ah-Haa! Course came to be over time. While creating and teaching this now nationally famous course in various locations across the country, I never knew what to call it. The course is so all encompassing, I couldn’t figure out what it should be named or even come up with a one liner describing what it was about. I thought, this is not good, a course has to have a name. Finally in one of my Zen flashes, I said to myself, why? Why does something have to have a name? So I released it, didn’t worry about it and decided to not name it until the name came to me, all in good time.

Finally, after presenting the course several times, it became obvious to me and to everyone else, the course had named itself. As I watched the overwhelming impact the course had on those who experienced it, one phrase kept being uttered by everyone. “AH-HAA!” and they would say; “Now I get it, now my life makes sense; now it all makes sense!” Those who had taken it soon came to call the course “The Ah-haa! Course.” Everyone was having one life enriching ah-haa moment after another. Participants said the ah-haas didn’t stop with the end of the course, but that they just kept on coming, one after another.

Those who have experienced “The Ah-haa! Course” and all that it offers have acclaimed it as, “The most self-empowering, profound spiritual experience one could ever have!” At the beginning of each course, I prepare the audience to be ready for change because “Something wonderful is about to happen to your life!” So far the course has not made a liar out of me.

The following is a brief overview of “The Ah-haa! Course,” a one-day, eight-hour intensive experiential (learn-by-doing) course. The course begins with an explanation of all things spiritual and quickly moves into the experiential course that it truly is. Everyone “experiences” this course by being led through various innovative techniques and exercises; the same ones that my Team of Spiritual Helpers taught me with. This course, as powerful as it is, is actually just an introduction to the Spiritual Discovery Movement. Every concept, every topic, every thought in the course is also an in depth course all by itself. You can request an invitation to The Ah-Haa! Course on our Registration page.

The Universe and All Things Spiritual

How it all works together. This segment of the course lays the ground work for all that is to follow by discussing spirituality from A to Z, how it all fits and works together; including universal laws, conscious mind versus unconscious mind, past lives, Angels, spiritual guidance, energy dynamics; and answers your questions concerning, where do I come from, why am I here, who am I really, what is my plan and my purpose, what is the meaning of my life, how can I make the most of my life while I’m here, and how can I use all that is available to me from the universe. This segment is when people finally make sense of everything going on in their lives. They now see clearly and understand where they come from, where they are going, what their purpose is, why they are here and what it’s all about. The rest of the course is experiential.

Experiential Technique: Spiritual Cleansing and Attunement

This is a three-part method of raising and attuning one’s own energy to the highest possible vibration. Everyone will be taught this and will experience its wonderful result. This technique eliminates any negativity and puts you in tune with your Higher Self and your team of Angels and as a result you get covered with chills and goosebumps.

All About Angels (Our Spiritual Helpers)

A segment delving deeper than you ever thought possible into this topic. Everyone will become aware of the times when their “Team of Angels” has intervened in their life on their behalf and learn how to tap into this power and use it in everyday living. This segment climaxes with another experiential technique that will change your life for the better, forever.

Experiential Technique: Basic Angel Communication

Everyone will be taught how to contact their own Team and ask and receive answers from them. Yes, a two-way conscious foolproof communication method. This part is one of my favorites to teach as everyone has ear-to-ear grins on their faces. Imagine the tremendous feelings of love, freedom, peace, and empowerment that accompany making contact with your spiritual helpers and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that they are there with you.

Separation from Our True Self and from Our Angels

An in-depth journey to find out how we separate ourselves from our true crystal clear spiritual nature and how we cut off our own abilities to communicate with our Team. This segment will have you realizing just how you “Do It” to yourself, how you sabotage your life. You will understand why the learning lessons in your life keep coming back, growing larger and nothing seems to work out for you, until you finally learn what you need to learn. This segment delves into one’s untrue belief systems, (programming, learned concepts) that are in play and holding them back, I call these “blocks.” We also explore, colored motives, negativity, fears, judgments, and being stuck in the intellect. This segment will give you real insight into yourself and the ability to heal your life.

Experiential Technique: Advanced Clairaudient Communication

Everyone will be taught how to tune in and hear that still small voice within. You will be able to consciously, at will, enter into a direct conversation with your Team using your psychic gift of clairaudience, which is actually what we think of as mental telepathy. You will learn how to distinguish between their incoming thoughts and your own internal thoughts. By this time the whole group is really cooking as they realize they are finally getting what they have been searching for all of their lives.

Experiential Technique: Advanced Automatic Writing

Communication with one’s team of Angels. This conscious, at-will, method of communication utilizes your spiritual sense of psychometry. Think of it as more like automatic dictation at first and later it may develop more into automatic writing. Everyone will be taught how to write with their Team. Just you wait and see the amazing things they will write to you.

Experiential Technique: Advanced Clairvoyant Communication

Advanced clairvoyant communication with one’s team of Angels. Yes, that’s right, everyone will be taught how to tune in and communicate by using the mind’s eye, third eye or mental pictures that flash into your mind. This is conscious, at-will, two-way communication using your spiritual gift of vision or sense of clairvoyance. By this time everyone seems to be positive that there is nothing they can’t accomplish.

Be Your Own Counselor

Now you are learning how you can use the tools you have just mastered to go to your spiritual core, at the soul level, and how to confront and change the root causes found there and not merely the outward symptoms of any problem area in your life. By doing this, these problem areas just shrivel and disappear because there is no more energy feeding them. You learn that you can continue to use these same methods in your everyday life and how to change any area of your life, for the better, forever. You can now go directly to the Source and get your own answers that are right for you at this point in your spiritual evolution. No more searching outside yourself for your truths. This segment teaches you how to be your own Gradian therapist. I developed this method while I was in private practice and it has since become known as the “Gradian Method” of Spiritual Psychology. With what you have now learned, you will ask your Team what block (programming, untrue belief system) they feel is holding you back the most at this moment that you are now ready to confront. Your Team will talk you through the block and help you to understand it so that you may overcome it and heal it. Next, you get to choose what problem area in your life you want them to teach you about. You will ask your Team what block (programming, untrue belief system) is most affecting you in a specific problem area of your life. It could be related to, for example, your career, finances, health, relationships, weight loss, fears, phobias, life planning, addictions/habits, or finding your ideal mate, anything that you want to have insight into and master. No more must you live life by the trial and error method.

Past Lives

Some of the blocks and programming that are holding us back and separating us from our real true spiritual nature, and are keeping us from achieving what we want in life, were brought in with us from a past life experience. So let’s learn how to journey back and discover them. I do what I call past life regression therapy. Learning about a past life just for curiosity sake accomplishes nothing and sometimes it’s best for us not to know. The Veil of Forgetfulness is there for a reason. However, to learn about a past life experience because it’s affecting us adversely in some way in this life can be a real learning leap forward. People constantly say, “Well, no wonder I have always felt or reacted that way. Now I know I can change that old habit or fear because now I understand it.” It’s like finally turning on the lights.  In this segment you will ask your team of Angels to select a past life that they feel is important for you to understand at this point in your spiritual evolution. Then, using what you have learned, clairaudience and clairvoyance, your respective Teams and I will take you back all at once, as a group, each to your own past life. You will safely re-experience, see and hear all that you currently need to know about that life. Next, just like before, you get to choose a problem area in your life that you want past life information about and again your team will take you back to a past life that is still affecting and causing that problem area in this life.

Unconditional Love

Since everything in the universe is energy and the highest, purest energy vibration is God or Christ consciousness, which is pure unconditional love and the vibration of your Angels, let’s experience it and become one with it. Knowing that once we have experienced and felt something it is ours, we then, and only then, we truly own it.

Experiential Technique: The Love Circle

This is a true spiritual love feast. This builds the energy of pure unconditional love to unimagined levels and then you can see the spiritual being inside each and everyone in the group. More importantly, you also see yourself as never before and you will never be the same again.

Everyone leaves this course feeling like they have been reborn and are walking on air. They have truly learned how to be one with the flow of the universe, take control of their lives, and manifest all that they can be; now they have the tools to truly be free.

As I have taught this course across the country, people have urged me to write a book about it, my experiences teaching it, and how I developed it. At first I was reluctant because I thought people would read the book and think they knew all about the course, when in fact it must be experienced. There is an old saying; “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I might remember. Involve me and let me experience it and it’s mine forever.” Don’t you just love good old sayings? Here is another one, “you can be knowledgeable with other people’s knowledge but you can’t be wise with other people’s wisdom. Wisdom only come from what you experience

I’m sure you have all met the kind of person I call a spiritual shopper. They read every new book that comes out, attend every lecture and seminar and think they know a lot about spiritual things. They know all the right buzzwords and concepts and can talk a good story, but it is just intellectual theory to them. This is because they have never really experienced what they are talking about. They have not become it. They have knowledge about it, but it’s not wisdom. They have accepted it on faith, but true confidence only comes from what we experience. After experiencing this course, you will know that you have all that you need. Never again will you have to search and look outside yourself for your answers and your confident wisdom will make you glow.

I’m a great believer in another old saying, “If you give a hungry person a fish to eat you have actually enslaved them and made them dependant, but if you teach them how to fish you have freed them and made them self-empowered.” That is why the course is designed as an experiential journey, teaching people how to use all the tools available to them from the universe and how to find their own way. At the beginning of each course I tell everyone, “Don’t believe a word I say, just because I say it.” I ask them to experience the techniques and then draw their own conclusions. So, keep in mind that the book, The Book of Ah-haa! is a book about “The Ah-haa! Course” but it is not the course. Does that make sense?

In the book, The Book of Ah-haa! I will also tell you how this course came to be. The course is a culmination of all of my life’s experiences and depicts how my team of spiritual helpers made themselves known and how they taught me. You can read Chapter 1 here on my website. I hope you enjoy the book and I’ll look forward to sharing all of this with you at a course. See you there!

I too, have attended the Ah-Haa Course. Great experience! You will discover invaluable, spiritual tools to help you along your spiritual path … no matter where you are in your journey. Definitely worth your time to spend the day at this incredible event. Dr. Jon Grady, indeed, is the REAL DEAL

A.L., Seattle, WA

Today, for eight hours I experienced one of the most powerful spiritual experiences in my many years of traveling the spiritual path. Dr. Jon R. Grady is an amazing teacher of spiritual self-empowerment and enlightenment while providing the space for connecting with our spirit guides, (angels) and guiding one into areas of life that may have been blocked or repressed for many years. This is all done in the most gentle of ways with the focus on simple yet profound exercises that can move one to what he has come to call, the “Ah-Haa” experience. I highly recommend any of his programs and hopefully I will have the opportunity to attend another course soon. Jon is a beautiful humble man with a gift of raising ones consciousness. I feel blessed to have connected with him. With Gratitude & Love.


I have always wanted dependable communication with my Spirit Guides.  Your practical, down to earth approach to teaching communication skills that will help us receive and understand guidance from our Angels, Spirit Guides, Messengers of God or as you said, whatever we want to call them, was very helpful.  The Ah-Haa Course is truly incredible and it meant a great deal to me.  Thank you for the life changing work that you do.

L.G., Unity Minister