Intensive Courses

Intensive Courses can cover any spiritual topic. These courses are available to anyone who has previously taken The Ah-Haa! Course.

Some of the courses Spiritual Discovery Movement has offered in the past include the following:

Your Spiritual Helpers (Guardian Angels) Up Close and Personal

Unfolding Your Spiritual Psychic Senses

Raising Your Spiritual Sensitivity

Discover and Heal, Blocks, Programming, and Self Sabotage

The Ultimate Spiritual Secret of Relationships

The Ultimate Spiritual Secret of Physical Health

The Ultimate Spiritual Secret of Abundance and Prosperity

Universal Laws of Attraction and Manifesting

Astral Travel (out of body travel)

Energy Mastery

Mastering Mental Telepathy

Unconditional Love, Your True Nature

Becoming One with All Things

Channeling (a clear channel)

Crystal Clear Motives

Mastering Meditation

Auras and Chakras

Dream World and Dream Interpretation

Healing Transitioning Souls

To inquire about upcoming courses, please use our Contact form.

I have been on a spiritual path for decades and have taken hundreds of courses, seminars and workshops and out of all those Jon is by far, “the real deal”.  I feel honored and blessed to have met him and to have experienced what he teaches.  Thank you so much.

L.M., Atlanta, GA

Great Tools!  To actually be able to make contact with my Angels and to receive information from them had a profound impact on my life.  I will use these techniques daily in my counseling and teaching as a Unity Minister.

L.T., Unity Minister

You truly are a miracle worker.  The course has made me think a lot about everything that has happened in my life and what a dramatic/drastic upward swing my life has taken since the course.  I am delighted.  Anyway, I thought you would like to know.  I can’t thank you enough.

D.C., Ft. Myers, FL