Past Life Soul Trance Healing Therapy

About Trance Healing

Everyone has souls or spirits which at times come around them and adversely influence them, adversely affect them, and often sabotage them.  This is a common occurrence. We can experience these souls as pain, momentary loss of memory, confusion, fear, irrational thoughts and behavior, misinterpreting events and miscommunications, and many other kinds of negative influence.  These souls are attracted to us due to a past life involvement with them or just a similar vibration to them. A Trance Healing specializes in past life involvement issues. These souls passed on in confusion and ignorance and have not moved on because they believe they have some unfinished matters here in the physical realm to resolve that involves you. They are trapped between worlds. Religion refers to these souls as “earthbound souls” or “unclean spirits”.  Trance Healing has been developed to channel in the soul that is affecting you and explore the relationship, what is the attraction, and how they have been influencing you and sabotaging your life. You will be amazed to find that many thoughts, feelings and habits you have had for years are not your own. We then heal and release the soul by clearing up the confusion and setting them back on their own path of spiritual growth and understanding. They then move on, allowing you to continue your growth without their negative effect on you.  This is a spiritual healing and education for both you and the soul. These trance healings are powerful, in-depth, and require detachment and clarity. You will feel the difference after this soul’s influence is released.

A Trance Healing Session

Two or more highly trained and skilled Past Life Soul Healers facilitate the session.  One enters into a light trance and channels the soul that you most need to be aware of and release at this time.  The soul speaks through the Soul Healer who allows their body to be used so the soul can express themselves and receive an understanding of how to release their confusion and go with their lights (spirit helpers). With this healing opportunity, past hurts, misunderstandings, need for revenge, betrayal, unexpressed love, etc. can be resolved, healed, forgiven and released. Sometimes the soul needs to hear from you an apology, forgiveness, or other expression of resolution.

The other Soul Healer acts as a control, conducting the questioning and drawing out the relevant information and clarifying the confusion that is holding this soul from moving on.  You, as the one receiving the healing, need do nothing unless the control directs you to respond in some way. After the soul has gained an understanding of its situation and is back on its path of spiritual growth, the Soul Healers release and send the soul away.  The Soul Healers then help you to clearly understand the effects of this healing on you and your spiritual growth and how to establish new thought and behavior patterns to replace the old ones that were being prompted by that souls influence.