The Ah-Haa! CourseDr Jon Grady

This is the first step and prerequisite to all other teachings through SDM. In this course, you will experience six to eight “Experiential Techniques.” There are 128 more.

Intensive, In-Depth Courses

Courses on every possible topic and spiritual concept.

Spiritual Evaluation

This is your “spiritual evolution report card.” Measurable information on the current condition and level of your spiritual life. Answers the question, “how am I doing spiritually?” A one-hour private session with Jon.

Two-Hour Mini Courses

These evening courses can cover anything or everything that might interest you.

Improv Evening

You determine the topic with your written questions to Jon.

Spirit-Based, Life Enrichment Personal Coaching

These are private sessions with Jon. Your spiritual health is the foundation the reset of your life is built upon. It affects ALL your endeavors including physical and mental health. Imagine having your own private “Personal Spiritual Health Coach.” Heal the Heart and Feed the Soul. By utilizing the “Gradian Method of Spiritual Psychology”, learn what unconscious programming, untrue beliefs, blocks, emotional scars, repressed thoughts and emotions are being harbored at your soul-core level and are adversely affecting your life and sabotaging your spiritual, mental, and physical health and happiness.

Licensing and Certification Apprenticeship Program

This program is for those feeling led to become professional “Practical, Life Enriching Spiritual Self Empowerment and Enlightenment” course leaders and “Personal Spiritual Health Coaches.”