Transcript of an Interview with Dr. Grady

Question:  Dr. Grady, describe in your own words who you are.

Answer:  I’m an eternal spiritual being having a temporary physical experience in this school room called Earth in order to learn and grow spiritually by having specific learning experiences.  Anyone in physical form here on Earth is also here for that same purpose. Only the plan of how they are attempting to do that differs from person to person. It really is just that simple.

Question:  Also describe what you do and how you do it.

Answer:  I’m a spiritual teacher and have been all of my life and even before.  I create and teach “practical” experiential, spiritual self-empowerment and enlightenment courses.  I teach people how to awaken their true spiritual awareness and dormant spiritual abilities and then to apply that wisdom to every aspect of their lives.  Consider all the implications of that statement.

Your spiritual health is the foundation your life is built upon and directly affects the total quality of your life, including your mental health and physical health.  You are the sum total of all you have experienced, the conclusions you drew from those experiences, and what you believed was true from those conclusions. To live life to the fullest and get everything out of life that you hope for, you only need to awaken your true spiritual nature and live in it every day and every day grow it even deeper.  We can alter our lives by altering our attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs, which then alter our energy, and this altered energy attracts a whole new and improved life.

Knowing about spiritual things is not the same as living a spiritual life, and to benefit from it, you have to live it and everyday learn to live it even more deeply.  I teach experientially, meaning you learn by “doing”. Having your own life-altering profound spiritual experiences, your own Ah-Haa moments, because that is how we learn.

I’m a great believer that a good teacher teaches what he was taught. A great teacher teaches what he has learned. But, a wise teacher teaches by creating experiences for his students to learn from.  In this way, as people learn they are becoming wise, and what they are learning is not just intellectual theoretical concepts. They don’t just have knowledge about it, they have wisdom about it. One can become knowledgeable with others’ knowledge, but one cannot become wise with others’ wisdom.  True confidence and wisdom only comes from what we experience. That’s why I create experiences for people to learn from and help them to examine and reflect on what they are experiencing.