The Gradian Method of Spiritual Psychology

The “Gradian Method” is named after its creator, Dr. Jon R. Grady and is the culmination of his life’s work thus far and is currently being used and taught throughout the country with amazing results.  You too could be trained and certified as a Gradian Method Spiritual Healer. Simply put, it’s a method where he leads a person on a journey to their innermost soul-core level and enables them to discover what programming, untrue beliefs, blocks, and emotional scars are being harbored there and are adversely affecting their life and how to heal them. The following, is how Jon describes it in his own words.

What Is The Gradian Method?

The “Gradian Method” is named after its creator, Dr. Jon R. Grady. It is the culmination of his life’s work thus far and is currently being used and taught throughout the country with amazing results.  You too could be trained and certified as a Gradian Method Spiritual Healer. Simply put, it’s a method where he leads a person on a journey to their innermost soul core level. It enables the person to discover what programming, untrue beliefs, blocks, and emotional scars are being harbored, adversely affecting their life, and how to heal them.  “To live life to the fullest and get everything out of life that you hope for, you only need to awaken your true spiritual nature and live in it every day and every day learn to live in it more deeply.”—-Jon R. Grady. The following is how Jon describes it in his own words.

Your spiritual health is the foundation your life is built upon and creates the total quality of your life, including your physical health and mental health.  For years western medicine has thought of us as just a physical body, as if we were just a bio electrical machine. If a part breaks down, they go to the parts store and then put in the new part, treating mostly symptoms, not causes.  Western Psychology and Psychiatry thinks of us as purely a mental being and concerns themselves only with the gray matter between our ears. They talk about chemical imbalances of the brain as the cause of things. Lately they have begun to realize that the two, the physical and the mental, might somehow be connected.  Now they talk about the “mind-body connection”, meaning if something goes amiss in the brain it can manifest or cause something in the body to also go haywire and vice versa.

I know from my experiences that we are not merely a physical body and not a mental being either.  If you look at a cadaver, the body is still there. If you open the skull the gray matter is still there.  What is missing is the person, the personality, the soul or spirit. So, if you’re a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist dealing with a personality disorder, don’t you think it might be wise to look where the personality truly is? The only reason I can think of as to why they don’t get it is that they don’t know we are an eternal spiritual being, not merely a temporary physical being. That is why I talk about the “soul-mind-body connection.” Something is amiss at the soul core level and that is what causes something to go amiss at the mental level and even the physical level.

Psychologists and Psychiatrists specialize; I never did.  I worked with anyone for whatever reasons or symptoms from fingernail biting to schizophrenia and everything in between.  If you’re symptom based, then, of course, you specialize in that particular symptom. I never cared about the outward symptoms.  I only was concerned with the cause, which was always at the soul core or spirit level. The Gradian Method is a method that goes directly to the soul core level, finds out what is haywire, and corrects it.  Once the problem has been corrected at the soul core level, all the mental symptoms and even most of the physical symptoms just fall away and dissolve. This is because there is no more spiritual energy feeding and manifesting them.

Imagine what your life could be like if you truly could live everyday in a spiritual big picture perspective and live in constant attunement with your real true spiritual self and your team of spiritual helpers.  It takes work, discipline, and action on your part. Permanent changes of old habits, blocks, programming, self-defeating belief systems and concepts CAN be changed, but only if you want it as much as you want your next breath of air, and have the help and tools you will need.

“Jane” and Her Untrue Beliefs

Here is just one of many stories that illustrate what I am talking about.  I’ll try and be brief. A woman in her late forties, let’s call her Jane, had been an alcoholic since her teens.  She was in every alcoholic’s program known to mankind, was in and out of mental institutions and tried to commit suicide several times.  She had just been released from an institution and was already having thoughts of suicide again. Her daughter somehow heard of me and called me. We spoke for about fifteen minutes and I made an appointment for her mother.  I told her daughter I didn’t care if her mother drank that’s just a symptom; just make sure her mother was sober enough for the appointment.

When Jane arrived with her daughter for the appointment, she looked a wreck.  She immediately began telling me how much she drinks, how often she drinks, what she drinks, how long she usually can stay on the wagon and I stopped her right there.  I told her I don’t care about all those symptoms and don’t even want to know about all that. I began explaining to her, at a level she could understand, all about symptoms and causes; how her drinking was just a symptom and we would only be concerned with the cause.  She was flabbergasted. Always before, in every alcoholic’s program she had ever been in, it was all symptom based. Resist the urge. Stay on the wagon, own that you are forever going to be an alcoholic, day by day fight it. But if you ever take one drink again, alcohol will control you again.  And then I told her that all those symptoms just don’t matter. We would find out WHY she had the urge to drink, the cause of her drinking.

Drinking to excess is a self-destructive, addictive behavior, right?  It’s just one of many self-destructive, addictive behaviors. A person who wants to self-destruct could select any number of behaviors that would accomplish the same thing.  Let’s use the “Gradian Method of Spiritual Psychology” and journey deep into her soul. We needed to find out why she believes that she is so terrible, so bad, wants others to think the same of her, and why she wants to self-destruct.

So, during the next session, that is what we did.  We learned together, with the help of my Team of Spiritual Helpers and her Team, that when she was four years old her parents divorced.  Like most little kids, she somehow thought it had to be because of her, something she did wrong. But, to make matters even worse, we found out that her father, because of the divorce, put a shotgun in his mouth and killed himself.  She was the first one who found the body. Jane had no conscious memory of that event. She only remembered the fact that her parents got divorced when she was four. Her mother had since passed on, so I asked her and her daughter if there was anyone who would know about her father’s suicide.  They agreed there was a distant relative who would know. I told them to track down the relative and ask them if it was true about her father. The next session, the third one, they confirmed the suicide.

So, when we add all of this up, here is what we get.  Jane concluded, at four years old, that the whole divorce and suicide incident she witnessed was because she had done something so bad, so terrible, that she caused all of those events.  She concluded that she must be a horrible excuse of a human being, not worthy of life itself.

When one has an untrue belief rooted in their soul, whether by coming to the wrong conclusion about something themselves like this example or because it was drummed into them by someone else, it’s what I call programming or a block.  It’s an untrue belief system that they have accepted as true. One thing that is true about everyone in my experience is that people manipulate situations, events, memories, other people, and even themselves to prove the untrue belief is true.  So, Jane believed, at the soul core level, that she was a horrible, useless, no good person. She strove to prove to the world through her actions and deeds that, that is exactly what she was. Jane chose to prove it to herself and everyone else by being an alcoholic.  In this way, the feedback she got from others confirmed her belief about herself.

We spent the next two sessions helping her to change the untrue belief that caused all of the negative self-image to the true belief that she had nothing to do with the divorce and subsequent suicide.  We “re-programmed” her at the soul core level that she was very special and deserving of all the best that life has to offer. She doesn’t need to punish herself anymore for something she didn’t even do and that she needed to continue to build her relationship with her Spiritual Team of Helpers that she had now learned to communicate with.  Once the cause was corrected, the symptoms just fell away. No fighting with urges anymore. She no longer had any urges to drink, or to prove to the world that she was a terrible, no good person. As I did with everyone who overcame something that had had power over them, I went with her as she took back her power by doing what she feared. So, the three of us, Jane, her daughter and I went to a local jazz nightclub, listened to some good live music, and just grinned at each other for a while. Alcohol no longer had any meaning to her. It was powerless. She kept in touch with me for several years, never had any more problems and she and her daughter are making up for all the lost years.

The Unconscious Contract

This next story is a good and simple example of what I call, “the unconscious marriage (or relationship) contract.”  Everyone has unconscious expectations about everything, but especially marriage and relationships. Most people are totally unaware of what unconscious expectations they or their partner has.  If they are unaware of them, how on earth are they ever going to get those needs met and if those needs are not met then frustration and disappointment will, of course, be the result.

Here is the story.  A young couple, married only three years, came to me as a last resort.  They had pretty much already made up their minds to divorce but she had promised her mother she would try some more counseling one last time.  I could tell that she was the one who was dissatisfied and wanted the divorce and he had just resigned himself to it, so I began by focusing mostly on her.  As we sorted through all of her feelings, at her soul-core level, we landed upon the base feeling that she just didn’t feel like he really loved her. He swore that he did and that he had done everything he knew to convince her of it.  She admitted that he had. He was always telling her he loved her, bringing her flowers, and gifts, etc. the works. He adored her and doted on her. At this point in their first session, I already knew what was wrong. Now I only had to get them to discover it on their own.

Next we began exploring all the ways each of them knew to show love and all the ways each of them recognized that they were being shown love.  I knew this discovery exercise would reveal the problem to them. You see, when we were young, we learned how to show love and recognize when we were being loved, by how are parents or whoever raised us did it.  There are common ways such as wanting to hear it. Some want quality time, some want gifts and presents, etc., but he had already tried all the usual ways. So, it had to be some special thing from her childhood. Let’s go back and find out what it is.  The Gradian Method quickly led her to discover it. This is the belief at her soul-core that she found.

When she was very young, her father worked long hours and would usually not get home until well after she had already gone to bed.  She knew he loved her because the first thing he did when he got home was go into her bedroom and make sure she was all tucked in and kiss her on the cheek goodnight.  Sometimes she was still awake, sometimes not, but either way at a conscious level or an unconscious level, she was aware of him and his actions. She learned to associate these actions with feeling loved, safe and secure.

After this “Ah-haa moment,” this revelation, she burst out laughing nervously and was quite embarrassed.  She finally managed to say, “Does this mean what I think it means? My feeling that he doesn’t love me is because he doesn’t tuck me in at night?  I just looked at her and grinned. Her husband jumped to his feet and with tears in his eyes proclaimed, “If that’s what it takes, I will gladly tuck you in every night!  Case closed, they lived happily ever after.

An added benefit of the “Gradian Method of Spiritual Psychology” is that they also had learned how to get insights and answers from their Teams of Spiritual Helpers and how to journey to their soul-core levels.  In the future they could use this understanding and these tools to explore what’s at their soul-cores and make their relationship all that they wanted it to be or discover anything else that might be affecting any other areas of their lives.  They learned to be self-empowered free spiritual beings as they were always meant to be.

I want to tell you about something that will make the difference in your being able to permanently make the shifts and changes you want in your life.  “Spirit Based Life Enrichment Personal Coaching,” with Jon.  Think of it as having a spiritual self-empowerment personal trainer.  What you already have accomplished is just the beginning of what you can achieve.  Gain the resources for enlightened living, and achieve all that you want in your life, (personal, professional, family, financial, relationships and more).  All aspects of one’s life are interwoven and must be in balance.


“To live life to the fullest and get everything out of life that you hope for, you only need to awaken your true spiritual nature and live in it every day and every day learn to live in it more deeply.” -Dr. Jon R. Grady