Profile of Dr. Jon R. Grady

Dr. Jon R. Grady has been a driving force and pioneer in the Global Spiritual Awakening of Humanity since 1970.  Jon is the creator of “The Gradian Method of Spiritual Psychology” which can transform a person’s life by guiding them on a journey to discover and heal the unconscious blocks, emotional scars, untrue beliefs, and programming being harbored at their spiritual soul-core level.  This method assists one to stop sabotaging their life and separating oneself from their real true spiritual nature, and restores their ultimate Spiritual Self-Empowerment and Attunement.

For decades Jon has been acclaimed as the leading authority regarding “The Spiritual After Life” and assisting departed souls to successfully transition from one life to the other, and is the creator of the method known as “Past Life Soul Trance Healing Therapy.”

Jon is also the Founder and Director of the Spiritual Discovery Movement (SDM).  It’s been said of this educational organization that it is a “Spiritual Mastery Pathway” which is dedicated to teaching people how to awaken their true spiritual awareness and dormant spiritual gifts, and then apply that wisdom to enhance every aspect of their lives.

Dr. Jon R. Grady is an internationally renowned Spiritual Teacher, Speaker and Counselor.  His innovative “Experiential Techniques” and methods are taught in all of his courses, conferences, seminars, workshops, retreats and private counseling sessions.  His unique approach to practical spiritual teaching has led him to be an invited guest on hundreds of Television and Radio Shows throughout the years including PBS and the WISDOM CHANNEL.  Numerous newspapers in the US and abroad have also interviewed Jon. The Washington D.C. Evening Star, in reviewing one of his courses stated, “Dr. Grady has an uncanny ability to lead others to a fuller understanding of their spiritual selves.  Here is someone who knows what it’s all about and has the ability to communicate it to others.”

The nationally famous “The Ah-Haa! Course” was developed by Jon as an introduction to all that he and SDM does and all that you are as a powerful spiritual being having a temporary physical experience.  No matter where one is in their spiritual evolution, this course builds a solid spiritual foundation, revealing the Universe and all things spiritual from A to Z.  It has been acclaimed by those experiencing it as “the most self-empowering, profound spiritual experience anyone could ever have.”   It has also been said of this course, “When you experience it you can feel the magic of it, and you just know that something wonderful is happening to your life, and it does right there in the course.”  “It is the ultimate spiritual self-help, self-empowerment course, way beyond your wildest imagination!”  Jon’s unique teaching methods and his “Experiential Techniques” give everyone the opportunity to feel and experience for themselves what are usually just theoretical spiritual concepts.  He guides each audience member to connect with past lives and all aspects of their present life including their Spirit Guides/Angels to help them understand and know without a doubt the answers they have searched for all of their lives.  After mastering these spiritual tools, people are shown how to use them to go to their spiritual soul-core and how they can continue to use these same methods in their everyday lives to change any area of their life, for the better, forever.