Spirit-Based Life Enrichment Coaching

By experiencing “The Ah-haa! Course,” which is a prerequisite to personal coaching, you have felt the dramatic impact that Jon can have on your life.  However, what you already have accomplished is just the beginning of what you can achieve.  By participating in on-going “Spirit Based Life Enrichment Personal Coaching,” you can further clarify your purpose, establish your goals, gain the resources for enlightened living, and achieve all that you want in your life, (personal, professional, family, financial, relationships and more). All aspects of one’s life are interwoven and must be in balance.

Jon will guide and assist you in applying all that you are learning to your daily life in a practical step-by-step program to enhance your life and live from a “big picture,” spiritually-aware point of view.

Each coaching client will receive a personal spiritual evaluation profile, which lays out how many Angels you have as your permanent team and gathers information about each one. This spiritual “report card” determines what is your first, second, third and fourth spiritual gift and what percentage you are currently using them.  You will also receive information about your own personal energy and how you are currently using it and much more.  

Just imagine how your life would be right now if you had the benefits of personal coaching a year ago.  If you are serious about creating positive changes in your life, don’t keep doing the same old things in the same old ways and expect a different result.  “What you seek is not to be found but rather made and your future is made by the steps you take today.

A Personal Letter from Jon

Hello Again,

You said, “WOW” and you had many Ah-haa moments at “The Ah-haa! Course.” You had a glimpse of what your life could be like if you truly could live everyday in a spiritual big picture perspective and live in constant attunement with your real true spiritual self and your team of spiritual helpers. It does take work, discipline, and action on your part. Permanent changes of old habits, blocks, programming, self-defeating belief systems and concepts CAN be changed, but only if you want it as much as you want your next breath of air and have the help and tools you will need.

I have been repeatedly asked by those who have attended the Course, “What am I going to do when you leave town?” They asked me to provide a means for them to have ongoing assistance in implementing all that they want to achieve with the new tools and perspectives they have been introduced to in the Course. I want to tell you about something that will make the difference in your being able to make the shifts and changes you want in your life so that you can really live everyday in the practical application of all that you experienced in “The Ah-haa! Course”.

Below is an explanation of “Spirit Based Life Enrichment Personal Coaching.” It is the answer and offers an ongoing way for you to have the help you will need in putting what you had a taste of in “The Ah-haa! Course” into practice in your everyday life and to help you when you stumble and backslide, and you will. After all, the real work begins after the Course.

So, if you want all that you learned and the wonderful feelings you had in the Course to continue to change your life for the better forever, you may want to participate. “Check it out with your Angels” and if the answer is YES then give me a call and let’s get started.

Love and Hugs,


Jon’s approach to coaching is in-depth, powerful and extremely effective.  He deals with the total being; body, mind and soul and every area of your life.  He is a MIRICLE worker!

B.R., Redondo Beach, CA

Jon has helped me tie together all my thoughts and feelings.  He helped me to see where they came from and how they were affecting my potential for happiness and limiting my growth.  I now feel happy, whole and productive

B.T., Virginia Beach, VA

I had searched everywhere and tried everything.  Coaching with Jon had a tremendous impact on my life.  It works!

J.S., Houston, TX