Preview Chapter One of Dr. Jon’s Upcoming Book
The Book of Ah-Haas!”

As I have taught The Ah-Haa! Course across the country, people have urged me to write a book about it, my experiences teaching it, and how I developed it. At first I was reluctant because I thought people would read the book and think they knew all about the course, when in fact it must be experienced. There is an old saying; “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I might remember. Involve me and let me experience it and it’s mine forever.” Don’t you just love good old sayings? Here is another one, “you can be knowledgeable with other people’s knowledge but you can’t be wise with other people’s wisdom. Wisdom only come from what you experience

I’m sure you have all met the kind of person I call a spiritual shopper. They read every new book that comes out, attend every lecture and seminar and think they know a lot about spiritual things. They know all the right buzzwords and concepts and can talk a good story, but it is just intellectual theory to them. This is because they have never really experienced what they are talking about. They have not become it. They have knowledge about it, but it’s not wisdom. They have accepted it on faith, but true confidence only comes from what we experience. After experiencing this course, you will know that you have all that you need. Never again will you have to search and look outside yourself for your answers and your confident wisdom will make you glow.

I’m a great believer in another old saying, “If you give a hungry person a fish to eat you have actually enslaved them and made them dependant, but if you teach them how to fish you have freed them and made them self-empowered.” That is why the course is designed as an experiential journey, teaching people how to use all the tools available to them from the universe and how to find their own way. At the beginning of each course I tell everyone, “Don’t believe a word I say, just because I say it.” I ask them to experience the techniques and then draw their own conclusions. So, keep in mind that The Book of Ah-haas! is a book about “The Ah-haa! Course” but it is not the course. Does that make sense?

In The Book of Ah-haas! I will also tell you how this course came to be. The course is a culmination of all of my life’s experiences and depicts how my team of spiritual helpers made themselves known and how they taught me. I hope you enjoy the book and I’ll look forward to sharing all of this with you at a course. See you there!